OceaniKa Glow
Spiritual and Self Mastery Mentor
Transmitter of the Unseen Realms
Medicine Woman and Space Holder
OceaniKa Glow Spirit
OceaniKa is a vessel of wisdom that flows information from the spirit world and into yours. Her ability to utilize her psychic gifts to connect to your guides, ascended masters, and even your higher self, is something otherworldly. She is able to reach into the invisible and pluck just the right messages for you in a way that lands in your heart, bringing understanding up from Your own depths and into the light of Your consciousness.
This work can often be the beginning of a deep healing process or can be a refinement to a healing journey you have been walking for sometime already. No matter where you are on this rugged path of Life, OceaniKa can help to bring clarity where you have questions with her beautiful abilities.
Medicine Ceremonies
Oceanika Glow is a Divine Space Holder…a Shaman…a Medicine Woman who works with the forces of Nature to help bring about healing for other brothers and sisters though sacred medicine ceremonies. Dive deep into healing with the medicine of Pachamama, your guides, yourSelf, and OceaniKa Glow Spirit.
Spiritual and Self Mastery Mentorship
Work on deep healing of past trauma and programming and reconnect with your spiritual technology system with ongoing 1:1 support from OceaniKa. Discover or deepen your understanding of your life’s purpose and have support while you take steps to walk this sacred path that you chose before birth. Dive deep into the Divine Masculine and Feminine nature of You, gaining a deeper understanding of the dance of your relationships. Work on developing your psychic abilities, receive transmissions from your team in the unseen realm, and much more. This program is uniquely tailored to your needs and desires.
Receive transmissions from your team in the unseen realms…your guides, ascended masters, and your Higher Self through the vessel of OceaniKa Glow. Learn more about your life’s mission and get information that will help you walk your sacred path in this life from the Akashic field. Gain an insight as to where you come from and what are some of your gifts. Understand what skills you have mastered in other lives and how you have brought some of them here to help you with this incarnation.
Mi experiencia con las transmisiones que recibí de Marta, fue muy enriquecedora y llena de luz. Recibí un aporte y orientación importante de sus guías, para conectarme con mi misión de vida y con mi ser superior. Fue un mensaje muy amoroso, tierno y preciso que , llego en el momento que más lo necesitaba, pra todos los aspectos de mi vida espiritual y material. Muchas gracias por tan bello servicio, amada Marta! Eres un ser de luz!
I whole heartedly endorse the pure Divine assistance which is available through my water sister OceaniKa Glow
Meu nome é Maria Edinete, quando conheci a Marta, estava passando por processos de muita confusão em minha vida, através das mentorias consegui clareza para tomar melhores decisões, ela me ajudou a redescobrir e reconectar com meu feminino. Gratidão Marta
From the moment I saw Oceanika on interview I knew I had to work with her. The Life Mission program has changed me mentally and spiritually as I now knowingly acknowledge and understand my place on this earth and how I can best serve. Oceanika is connected to the higher beings and guides to bring you messages of truth and Love that will allow you to align and reconnect with your true self. I thank you dear sister for all the Love and support you have given this year. Feeling very very blessed. So much Love!